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albumsplit (1885B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      3 # Requires ffmpeg (audio splitting) and my `tag` wrapper script.
      4 [ ! -f "$2" ] && printf "The first file should be the audio, the second should be the timecodes.\\n" && exit
      5 echo "Enter the album/book title:"; read -r albumtitle
      6 echo "Enter the artist/author:"; read -r author
      7 echo "Enter the publication year:"; read -r year
      9 inputaudio="$1"
     11 # Get a safe file name from the book.
     12 escbook="$(echo "$albumtitle" | iconv -cf UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT | tr -d '[:punct:]' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr ' ' '-' | sed "s/-\+/-/g;s/\(^-\|-\$\)//g")"
     13 mkdir -p "$escbook" || echo "Do you have write access in this directory?" && exit 1
     15 # As long as the extension is in the tag script, it'll work.
     16 ext="mp3"
     17 #ext="${1#*.}"
     19 # Get the total number of tracks from the number of lines.
     20 total="$(wc -l < "$2")"
     21 while read -r x; do
     22 	end="$(echo "$x" | cut -d' ' -f1)"
     23 	[ -n "$start" ] &&
     24 	echo "From $start to $end; $track $title"
     25 	file="$escbook/$(printf "%.2d" "$track")-$esctitle.$ext"
     26 	[ -n "$start" ] && echo "Splitting \"$title\"..." && ffmpeg -nostdin -y -loglevel -8 -i "$inputaudio" -ss "$start" -to "$end" -vn "$file" &&
     27 		echo "Tagging \"$title\"..." && tag -a "$author" -A "$albumtitle" -t "$title" -n "$track" -N "$total" -d "$year" "$file"
     28 	title="$(echo "$x" | cut -d' ' -f 2-)"
     29 	esctitle="$(echo "$title" | iconv -cf UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT | tr -d '[:punct:]' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr ' ' '-' | sed "s/-\+/-/g;s/\(^-\|-\$\)//g")"
     30 	track="$((track+1))"
     31 	start="$end"
     32 done < "$2"
     34 # The last track must be done outside the loop.
     35 echo "From $start to the end: $title"
     36 file="$escbook/$(printf "%.2d" "$track")-$esctitle.$ext"
     37 echo "Splitting \"$title\"..." && ffmpeg -nostdin -y -loglevel -8 -i "$inputaudio" -ss "$start" -vn "$file" &&
     38 		echo "Tagging \"$title\"..." && tag -a "$author" -A "$albumtitle" -t "$title" -n "$track" -N "$total" -d "$year" "$file"