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ex2a.c (2851B)

      1 #include <err.h>
      2 #include <stdio.h>
      3 #include <stdlib.h>
      4 #include <time.h>
      6 #include <omp.h>
      8 static void	pretty_print(int *, int, const char *);
      9 static int	cmpfunc(const void *, const void *);
     10 static void	merge(int *, int *, int *, int *, int *);
     11 static void	multisort(int *, int *, int);
     13 /*
     14  * Print the contents of an array like:
     15  *
     16  * array = [x, y, z]
     17  */
     18 static void
     19 pretty_print(int *arr, int n, const char *name)
     20 {
     21 	int i;
     23 	printf("\n%s = [", name);
     24 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
     25 		printf("%d%s", arr[i], (i == n - 1) ? "" : ", ");
     26 	printf("]\n");
     27 }
     29 /*
     30  * Passed to qsort(3).
     31  */
     32 static int
     33 cmpfunc(const void *a, const void *b)
     34 {
     35 	return (*(int *)a - *(int *)b);
     36 }
     38 /*
     39  * Merge sort
     40  */
     41 static void
     42 merge(int *a, int *enda, int *b, int *endb, int *res)
     43 {
     44 	while (a <= enda && b <= endb) {
     45 		if (*a < *b)
     46 			*res++ = *a++;
     47 		else
     48 			*res++ = *b++;
     49 	}
     50 	while (a <= enda)
     51 		*res++ = *a++;
     52 	while (b <= endb)
     53 		*res++ = *b++;
     54 }
     56 static void
     57 multisort(int *arr, int *space, int n)
     58 {
     59 	int quarter, *sta, *spa, *stb, *spb, *stc, *spc, *std, *spd;
     61 	/*
     62 	 * Sort with qsort(3) directly if we can't split the array into 4
     63 	 * quarters.
     64 	 */
     65 	if ((quarter = n / 4) < 4)
     66 		qsort(arr, n, sizeof(int), cmpfunc);
     67 	else {
     68 		/* Split the array into 4 quarters. */
     69 		sta = arr;
     70 		spa = space;
     71 		stb = sta + quarter;
     72 		spb = spa + quarter;
     73 		stc = stb + quarter;
     74 		spc = spb + quarter;
     75 		std = stc + quarter;
     76 		spd = spc + quarter;
     77 		/* Sort each quarter */
     78 #pragma omp task
     79 		multisort(sta, spa, quarter);
     80 #pragma omp task
     81 		multisort(stb, spb, quarter);
     82 #pragma omp task
     83 		multisort(stc, spc, quarter);
     84 #pragma omp task
     85 		multisort(std, spd, n - 3 * quarter);
     86 		/* Wait for the tasks above to finish. */
     87 #pragma omp taskwait
     88 #pragma omp task
     89 		/* Merge A and B into SpaceA */
     90 		merge(sta, sta + quarter - 1, stb, stb + quarter - 1, spa);
     91 #pragma omp task
     92 		/* Merge C and D into SpaceC */
     93 		merge(stc, stc + quarter - 1, std, arr + n - 1, spc);
     94 #pragma omp taskwait
     95 		/* Merge the two resulting couples (SpaceA and SpaceC). */
     96 		merge(spa, spc - 1, spc, space + n - 1, arr);
     97 	}
     98 }
    100 int
    101 main(int argc, char *argv[])
    102 {
    103 	int *a, *space, i, n, ntd;
    104 	double start, end;
    107 	if (argc < 3) {
    108 		fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s nthreads n\n", *argv);
    109 		return (1);
    110 	}
    111 	if ((ntd = atoi(argv[1])) < 1)
    112 		err(1, "can't use nthreads n < 1");
    113 	if ((n = atoi(argv[2])) < 1)
    114 		err(1, "can't use n < 1");
    116 	srand(time(NULL));
    117 	omp_set_num_threads(ntd);
    119 	if ((a = malloc(n * sizeof(int))) == NULL)
    120 		err(1, "malloc");
    121 	if ((space = malloc(n * sizeof(int))) == NULL)
    122 		err(1, "malloc");
    123 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    124 		a[i] = rand() % 100;
    126 	/* Calculate speed up */
    127 	start = omp_get_wtime();
    129 	pretty_print(a, n, "A_unsorted");
    130 	multisort(a, space, n);
    131 	pretty_print(a, n, "A_multisort");
    133 	end = omp_get_wtime();
    134 	printf("Total time: %f seconds\n", end - start);
    136 	free(a);
    138 	return (0);
    139 }