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ex2.c (5772B)

      1 #include <err.h>
      2 #include <errno.h>
      3 #include <pthread.h>
      4 #include <stdio.h>
      5 #include <stdlib.h>
      6 #include <time.h>
      8 /*
      9  * Εργαστήριο ΛΣ2 (Δ6) / Εργασία 2: Άσκηση 2 / 2020-2021
     10  * Ονοματεπώνυμο: Χρήστος Μαργιώλης
     11  * ΑΜ: 19390133
     12  * Τρόπος μεταγλώττισης: `cc ex2.c -lpthread -DLLIM=x -DULIM=y -o ex2`
     13  *	Όπου `x` και `y` το κάτω και πάνω όριο αντίστοιχα.
     14  */
     16 struct foo {
     17 	int **g_arr;	/* Global array. */
     18 	int **d;	/* `d[i][j] = g_max - g_arr[i][j]` */
     19 	int *l_max;	/* Local maximums. */
     20 	int g_max;	/* Global maximum. */
     21 	int l_n;	/* Number of elements each thread will work with. */
     22 	int n;		/* Dimensions. */
     23 	int ntd;	/* Number of threads. */
     24 	int tid;	/* Thread ID. */
     25 	pthread_mutex_t mtx;
     26 	pthread_barrier_t bar;
     27 };
     29 static void *threaded_callback(void *);
     30 static void *emalloc(size_t);
     31 static void usage(void);
     33 static char *argv0;
     35 static void *
     36 thread_callback(void *foo)
     37 {
     38 	struct foo *f;
     39 	int i, j, start, end, max, rc;
     41 	f = (struct foo *)foo;
     42 	/* 
     43 	 * Each thread reads X rows from `g_arr`. Suppose that we have
     44 	 * 2 threads and a 4x4 array:
     45 	 *	
     46 	 * row: 0 |  1,  2,  3,  4 |
     47 	 * row: 1 |  5,  6,  7,  8 |
     48 	 * row: 2 |  9, 10, 11, 12 |
     49 	 * row: 3 | 13, 14, 15, 16 |
     50 	 *
     51 	 * Each thread now has to work with 2 rows from the array since
     52 	 * `l_n = n / p = 4 / 2 = 2`. But in order to get the
     53 	 * correct row, we have to offset it by the thread number.
     54 	 *
     55 	 * So, thread 0 will read the following part of `g_arr`:
     56 	 *	start: tid * l_n -> 0 * 2 -> 0
     57 	 *	end: start + l_n -> 0 + 2 -> 2
     58 	 *
     59 	 * which is the first half of `g_arr`:
     60 	 *	row: 0 | 1, 2, 3, 4 |
     61 	 *	row: 1 | 5, 6, 7, 8 |
     62 	 *
     63 	 * Following the same logic, thread 1 will read at:
     64 	 *	start = 1 * 2 -> 2
     65 	 *	end = 2 + 2 -> 4
     66 	 *
     67 	 * which is the second half of `g_arr`:
     68 	 *	row: 2 |  9, 10, 11, 12 |
     69 	 *	row: 3 | 13, 14, 15, 16 |
     70 	 *
     71 	 */
     72 	start = f->tid * f->l_n;
     73 	end = start + f->l_n;
     75 	/* Calculate the local max. */
     76 	max = *f->g_arr[start];
     77 	for (i = start; i < end; i++)
     78 		for (j = 0; j < f->n; j++)
     79 			if (f->g_arr[i][j] > max)
     80 				max = f->g_arr[i][j];
     81 	f->l_max[f->tid] = max;
     83 	/* Calculate the global max right away, no need for more functions. */
     84 	if (pthread_mutex_lock(&f->mtx) != 0)
     85 		err(1, "pthread_mutex_lock");
     86 	if (f->tid == 0)
     87 		f->g_max = *f->l_max;
     88 	else if (f->l_max[f->tid] > f->g_max)
     89 		f->g_max = f->l_max[f->tid];
     91 	/* 
     92 	 * We need to know each thread's ID in order to calculate `start`
     93 	 * and `end` properly. Since we don't touch `f->tid` inside `main`
     94 	 * (apart from initializing it), we need to update it here.
     95 	 */
     96 	f->tid++;
     97 	if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&f->mtx) != 0)
     98 		err(1, "pthread_mutex_unlock");
    100 	/* 
    101 	 * Wait for all threads to finish executing the statements above, 
    102 	 * then continue. 
    103 	 */
    104 	rc = pthread_barrier_wait(&f->bar);
    105 	if ((rc != 0 && rc != PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD) || errno == EINVAL)
    106 		err(1, "pthread_barrier_wait");
    108 	/* 
    109 	 * We'll get here once all threads have passed the barrier, which
    110 	 * means that `f->tid` will be equal to the total number of threads.
    111 	 * In order for `start` and `end` to be offset properly again, we now 
    112 	 * need to go backwards.
    113 	 */
    114 	if (pthread_mutex_lock(&f->mtx) != 0)
    115 		err(1, "pthread_mutex_lock");
    116 	f->tid--;
    117 	if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&f->mtx) != 0)
    118 		err(1, "pthread_mutex_unlock");
    120 	/* Calculate the D array. */
    121 	start = f->tid * f->l_n;
    122 	end = start + f->l_n;
    123 	for (i = start; i < end; i++)
    124 		for (j = 0; j < f->n; j++)
    125 			f->d[i][j] = f->g_max - f->g_arr[i][j];
    127 	return NULL;
    128 }
    130 static void *
    131 emalloc(size_t nb)
    132 {
    133 	void *p;
    135 	if ((p = malloc(nb)) == NULL)
    136 		err(1, "malloc");
    138 	return p;
    139 }
    141 static void
    142 usage(void)
    143 {
    144 	fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-t threads]\n", argv0);
    145 	exit(1);
    146 }
    148 int
    149 main(int argc, char *argv[])
    150 {
    151 	struct foo *f;
    152 	pthread_t *tds;
    153 	int i, j, rc;
    155 	argv0 = *argv;
    156 	f = emalloc(sizeof(struct foo));
    158 	do {
    159 		printf("\rp: ");
    160 		/* 
    161 		 * Save the return value of scanf(3) to make sure
    162 		 * we did read valid input.
    163 		 */
    164 		rc = scanf("%d", &f->ntd);
    165 		/* Flush input buffer. */
    166 		(void)getchar();
    167 	/* Cannot have less than 1 threads. */
    168 	} while (f->ntd < 1 || rc != 1);
    170 	do {
    171 		printf("\rn: ");
    172 		rc = scanf("%d", &f->n);
    173 		(void)getchar();
    174 	/* 
    175 	 * The number of elements must be greater than 0 (obviously) and
    176 	 * a multiple of the total number of threads.
    177 	 */
    178 	} while (f->n < 0 || f->n % f->ntd != 0 || rc != 1);
    180 	tds = emalloc(f->ntd * sizeof(pthread_t));
    181 	f->l_n = f->n / f->ntd;
    182 	f->g_arr = emalloc(f->n * sizeof(int *));
    183 	f->l_max = emalloc(f->ntd * sizeof(int));
    184 	f->d = emalloc(f->n * sizeof(int *));
    186 	/* The exercise says we should read from a file, but don't do it. :-) */
    187 	srand(time(NULL));
    188 	for (i = 0; i < f->n; i++) {
    189 		f->g_arr[i] = emalloc(f->n * sizeof(int));
    190 		f->d[i] = emalloc(f->n * sizeof(int));
    191 		for (j = 0; j < f->n; j++)
    192 			f->g_arr[i][j] = rand() % (ULIM - LLIM) + LLIM;
    193 	}
    195 	if (pthread_mutex_init(&f->mtx, NULL) != 0)
    196 		err(1, "pthread_mutex_init");
    197 	if (pthread_barrier_init(&f->bar, NULL, f->ntd) != 0)
    198 		err(1, "pthread_barrier_init");
    200 	for (i = 0, f->tid = 0; i < f->ntd; i++)
    201 		if (pthread_create(&tds[i], NULL, thread_callback, (void *)f) != 0)
    202 			err(1, "pthread_create");
    203 	for (i = 0; i < f->ntd; i++)
    204 		if (pthread_join(tds[i], NULL) != 0)
    205 			err(1, "pthread_join");
    207 	/* Print results. */
    208 	for (i = 0; i < f->n; i++)
    209 		for (j = 0; j < f->n; j++)
    210 			printf("arr[%d][%d]: %d\td[%d][%d]: %d\n",
    211 			    i, j, f->g_arr[i][j],
    212 			    i, j, f->d[i][j]);
    213 	printf("max: %d\n", f->g_max);
    215 	(void)pthread_barrier_destroy(&f->bar);
    216 	(void)pthread_mutex_destroy(&f->mtx);
    217 	pthread_exit(NULL);
    218 	free(tds);
    219 	while (f->n--) {
    220 		free(*f->g_arr++);
    221 		free(*f->d++);
    222 	}
    223 	free(f->g_arr);
    224 	free(f->l_max);
    225 	free(f->d);
    226 	free(f);
    228 	return 0;
    229 }