
University stuff
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datahandler.cpp (5902B)

      1 #include "datahandler.hpp"
      3 DataHandler::DataHandler()
      4     :misscount(0), errcount(0) {}
      6 DataHandler::~DataHandler()
      7 {
      8     dealloc<Course>(courses);
      9     dealloc<Student>(studs);
     10     if (!grds.empty()) grds.clear();
     11     if (!data.empty()) data.clear();
     12     if (!eqvs.empty()) eqvs.clear();
     13     if (!errs.empty()) errs.clear();
     14     if (!missing.empty()) missing.clear();
     15 }
     17 void
     18 DataHandler::load_grades()
     19 {
     20     std::ifstream f;
     21     f.exceptions(std::ifstream::badbit);
     22     try
     23     {
     24         f.open(datapath);
     25         if (f.is_open())
     26         {
     27             std::printf("Importing data from \'%s\'\n\n", datapath);
     28             std::printf("Making data structures and analyzing data.\n");
     29             lab::xstring skip;
     30             lab::getline(f, skip);
     32             lab::xstring id, code, grade;
     33             lab::getline(f, id, ';');
     34             lab::getline(f, code, ';');
     35             lab::getline(f, grade);
     37             std::map<lab::xstring, Student *>::const_iterator its = studs.find(id);
     38             std::map<lab::xstring, Course *>::const_iterator itc = courses.find(code);
     39             if (its != studs.end() && itc != courses.end())
     40                 grds.insert(std::make_pair(courses[code], std::atof(grade.cstr())));
     42             while (f.good())
     43             {
     44                 lab::xstring currid = id;
     45                 while (currid == id)
     46                 {
     47                     lab::getline(f, id, ';');
     48                     lab::getline(f, code, ';');
     49                     lab::getline(f, grade);
     50                     if (f.eof()) break;
     51                     analyze(currid, id, code, std::atof(grade.cstr()));
     52                 }
     53             }
     54         }
     55         f.close();  
     56     }
     57     catch (const std::ifstream::failure& e)
     58     {
     59         errlog.write(ErrLog::ErrType::RUNTIME_ERR, err_read(datapath));
     60         throw std::runtime_error(err_read(datapath).cstr());
     61     }
     62 }
     64 void
     65 DataHandler::analyze(
     66         const lab::xstring& currid,
     67         lab::xstring& id,
     68         lab::xstring& code,
     69         float grade)
     70 {
     71     std::map<lab::xstring, Student *>::const_iterator its = studs.find(id);
     72     std::map<lab::xstring, Course *>::const_iterator itc = courses.find(code);
     73     if (its != studs.end() && itc != courses.end())
     74     {
     75         if (currid != id)
     76         {
     77             data.insert(std::make_pair(studs[currid], grds));
     78             grds.clear();
     79             grds.insert(std::make_pair(courses[code], grade));
     80             return;
     81         }
     82         grds.insert(std::make_pair(courses[code], grade));
     83     }
     84     else if (its == studs.end() && 
     85             std::find(errs.begin(), errs.end(), id) == errs.end())
     86     {
     87             errs.push_back(id);
     88             errlog.write(ErrLog::ErrType::STUDENT_MISSING, id);
     89             errcount++;
     90     }
     91     else if (itc == courses.end() &&
     92             std::find(errs.begin(), errs.end(), code) == errs.end())
     93     {
     94             errs.push_back(code);
     95             errlog.write(ErrLog::ErrType::COURSE_MISSING, code);
     96             errcount++;
     97     }
     99     if (its != studs.end() && itc != courses.end())
    100     {
    101         miss(id, code, grade);  
    102         diffr(id, code, grade);
    103     }
    104 }
    106 void
    107 DataHandler::miss(lab::xstring id, lab::xstring code, float grade)
    108 {
    109     if (courses[code]->four_year)
    110     {
    111         std::map<lab::xstring, lab::xstring>::const_iterator it = eqvs.find(code);
    112         if (it != eqvs.end())
    113         {
    114             bool found = false;
    115             for (const auto& grd : grds)
    116                 if (grd.first->code == eqvs[code])
    117                     found = true;
    118             if (!found)
    119             {
    120                 missing.push_back(id + ";" +
    121                         studs[id]->lname + ";" +
    122                         studs[id]->fname + ";" +
    123                         courses[eqvs[code]]->code + ";" +
    124                         courses[eqvs[code]]->name + ";" +
    125                         code + ";" +
    126                         courses[code]->name + ";" +
    127                         lab::to_xstr<float>("%.1f", grade));
    128                 misscount++;
    129             }
    130         }
    131     }
    132 }
    134 void
    135 DataHandler::diffr(lab::xstring id, lab::xstring code, float grade)
    136 {
    137     std::map<Course *, float>::const_iterator it = grds.find(courses[code]);
    138     if (it != grds.end() && it->second != grade)
    139     {
    140         errlog.write(ErrLog::ErrType::DIFFERENT_GRADES,
    141                 lab::xstring(id + " in " + code + ": " +
    142                     lab::to_xstr<float>("%.1f", it->second) + " | " +
    143                     lab::to_xstr<float>("%.1f", grade)));
    144         errcount++;
    145     }
    146 }
    148 void
    149 DataHandler::make_report() const
    150 {
    151     std::ofstream f;
    152     f.exceptions(std::ofstream::failbit | std::ofstream::badbit);
    153     try
    154     {
    155         f.open(reppath);
    156         if (f.is_open())
    157         {
    158             std::printf("Making report.\n");
    159             f << "ID;Last name;First name;New course code;New course name;" <<
    160                  "Old course code;Old course name;Grade" << std::endl;
    161             for (const auto& m : missing) f << m << std::endl;
    162             f.close();
    163         }
    164     }
    165     catch (const std::ofstream::failure& e)
    166     {
    167         errlog.write(ErrLog::ErrType::RUNTIME_ERR, err_write(reppath));
    168     }
    169 }
    172 void
    173 DataHandler::summary() const
    174 {
    175     int datacount = 0;
    176     for (const auto& dat : data)
    177         datacount += dat.second.size();
    179     std::printf("\nStudents: %ld\n", studs.size());
    180     std::printf("Courses: %ld\n", courses.size());
    181     std::printf("Equivalences: %ld\n", eqvs.size());
    182     std::printf("Total grades stored: %d\n", datacount);
    183     std::printf("Grades missing: %d\n", misscount); 
    184     std::printf("Errors: %d\n", errcount);
    185     std::printf("\nThank you :)\n");
    186 }
    188 const lab::xstring
    189 DataHandler::err_read(const char *fpath) const
    190 {
    191     return lab::xstring("Error reading file \'\'.").insert(fpath, 20);
    192 }
    194 const lab::xstring
    195 DataHandler::err_write(const char *fpath) const
    196 {
    197     return lab::xstring("Error writing to file \'\'.").insert(fpath, 23);
    198 }