
Lightweight string library for C
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      1 # cstring
      3 A simple and lightweight string library for C inspired by C++'s STL `string` class,
      4 but with a many additions.
      6 ## Building
      8 `cstring` is a static library. The header file is installed in `/usr/local/include` and
      9 the library file in `/usr/local/lib`. 
     11 In order to install it do the following
     12 ```shell
     13 $ cd /path/to/cstring
     14 $ sudo make install clean
     15 ```
     17 You can also run a few tests
     18 ```shell
     19 $ cd /path/to/cstring/tests
     20 $ make && make run clean
     21 ```
     23 In order to make a distribution do
     24 ```shell
     25 $ cd /path/to/cstring
     26 $ make dist
     27 ```
     29 If you want to uninstall the library do the following
     30 ```shell
     31 $ cd /path/to/cstring
     32 $ sudo make uninstall
     33 ```
     35 A file using `cstring` has to be linked using the `-lcstring` linker flag.  
     36 In case you want to run your project in debug mode, compile the library using the `-DCSTRING_DBG` option.
     38 ## Usage
     40 When using this library, you must **always** call the `cstring_create` and `cstring_delete` 
     41 functions whenever you want to make a new instance of `cstring` and stop using it respectively,
     42 in order not to cause any memory leaks, as there's no *constructor* and *destructor* to do it for you.  
     44 The recommended way of initializing an empty string is by doing `cstring foo = cstring_create(CSTRING_INIT_EMPTY)`.  
     46 Read the `man` page for more detailed info.
     48 ## Functions
     50 * `cstring_create`: Initiliaze string.
     51 * `cstring_delete`: Deallocate string.
     52 * `cstring_assign`: Assign new string.
     53 * `cstring_insert`: Insert at a specific index.
     54 * `cstring_append`: Append to end of string.
     55 * `cstring_prepend`: Prepend to beginning of string.
     56 * `cstring_erase`: Erase portion of string.
     57 * `cstring_erase_matching`: Erase first match.
     58 * `cstring_erase_all_matching`: Erase all matches.
     59 * `cstring_trim`: Trim character.
     60 * `cstring_push_back`: Add character to end of string.
     61 * `cstring_pop_back`: Remove the last character from string.
     62 * `cstring_replace_char`: Replace character at a specific index.
     63 * `cstring_replace_str`: Replace portion of string.
     64 * `cstring_substr`: Extract a substring.
     65 * `cstring_swap`: Swap contents of two strings.
     66 * `cstring_sort`: Sort an array of `cstring` objects.
     67 * `cstring_sort_partial`: Like `cstring_sort` but for part of the array.
     68 * `cstring_sort_chars`: Sort `cstring`'s contents.
     69 * `cstring_sort_chars_partial`: Like `cstring_sort_chars` but for part of the string.
     70 * `cstring_shrink_to_fit`: Shrink string's capacity to fit its size.
     71 * `cstring_clear`: Clear contents of string
     72 * `cstring_find`: Find first occurence of a pattern in string.
     73 * `cstring_rfind`: Fnid last occurence of a pattern in string.
     74 * `cstring_find_first_of`: Find first occurence of specified characters in string.
     75 * `cstring_find_first_not_of`: Find the first character that does not match any of the specified characters.
     76 * `cstring_find_last_of`: Find last occurence of specified characters in string.
     77 * `cstring_find_last_not_of`: Find the last character that does not match any of the specified characters.
     78 * `cstring_front`: Get first character in string.
     79 * `cstring_back`: Get last character in string.
     80 * `cstring_empty`: Check if string is empty.
     81 * `cstring_starts_with_str`: Check if string starts with specified `char *`.
     82 * `cstring_ends_with_str`: Check if string ends with specified `char *`.
     83 * `cstring_starts_with_char`: Check if string starts with specified `char`.
     84 * `cstring_ends_with_char`: Check if string ends with specified `char`.
     85 * `cstring_data`: Get string's content in raw bytes.
     86 * `cstring_copy`: Copy contents of a `char *`.
     87 * `cstring_resize`: Resize string.
     88 * `cstring_getline`: Read a line from a `FILE` stream.
     89 * `cstring_equal`: Check if `lhs == rhs`.
     90 * `cstring_greater`: Check if `lhs > rhs`.
     91 * `cstring_greater_or_equal`: Check if `lhs >= rhs`.
     92 * `cstring_less`: Check if `lhs < rhs`.
     93 * `cstring_less_or_equal`: Check if `lhs <= rhs`.
     95 `lhs`: Left hand side  
     96 `rhs`: Right hand side
     98 ## Macros
    100 * `CSTRING_OUT_OF_BOUNDS`: Check if value is out of bounds.
    101 * `CSTRING_ARR_LEN`: Determine an array's length. The macro must be called in the same function the array is declared.
    102 * `CSTRING_MALLOC`: Allocate memory with error checking.  
    103 The following macros can only be used in debug mode
    104 * `CSTIRNG_DBG_LOG`: Prints a message in the format of `DEBUG: file:line:func(): msg`.
    105 * `CSTRING_DBG_LOG_CSTR_INFO`: Prints all the contents of a `cstring` struct. The argument *has* to be a pointer.
    106 * `CSTRING_DBG_LOG_CSTR_INFO_NPTR`: Like `CSTRING_DBG_LOG_CSTR_INFO` but the argument has to be a non-pointer.
    107 * `CSTRING_DBG_LOG_STR_INFO`: Print contents of a normal string.
    109 ## Constants
    111 * `CSTRING_NPOS`: Signifies that a pattern hasn't been found inside the string. Its value is -1.
    112 * `CSTRING_INIT_EMPTY`: Used with `cstring_create` in case the string is to be initiliazed as empty.
    114 ## Flags
    116 * `CSTRING_SORT_ASCENDING`: Sort in ascending order.
    117 * `CSTRING_SORT_DESCENDING`: Sort in descending order.
    118 * `CSTRING_SORT_CALLBACK`: Sort using a callback function.
    119 * `CSTRING_SORT_REST`: Sort the rest of the array.
    121 ## Example
    123 See the test programs in `tests` for more.
    125 ```c
    126 #include <cstring.h>
    128 /* outputs "Foobar" to the screen */
    129 int
    130 main(int argc, char **argv)
    131 {
    132     cstring s = cstring_create("Foo");
    133     cstring_append(&s, "bar");
    134     printf("%s\n", s.str);
    135     cstring_delete(&s);
    137     return 0;
    138 }
    139 ```