commit 0889c426505b2a5c95a2c1c41bb5112100ca5e34
Author: Christos Margiolis <>
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2022 01:34:50 +0300
initial commit
28 files changed, 535 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+SCRIPTS = ausplit \
+ autocomp \
+ batnfy \
+ doccomp \
+ docprev \
+ extr \
+ fontupd \
+ irssi_torconf \
+ namefmt \
+ newsboat_bookmark \
+ passget \
+ push \
+ rssread \
+ screencast \
+ se \
+ setscreens \
+ sysact \
+ tag \
+ unix \
+ upd \
+ vdq \
+ vds \
+ vmstart \
+ vmstop \
+ walset \
+ wttr
+PREFIX = /usr/local
+all: ${SCRIPTS}
+ chmod +x ${SCRIPTS}
+ mkdir -p ${DIST}
+ cp -R ${SCRIPTS} ${DIST}
+ tar -cf ${DIST}.tar ${DIST}
+ gzip ${DIST}.tar
+ rm -rf ${DIST}
+install: all
+ mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin
+ cp -f ${SCRIPTS} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin
+ chmod 755 ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/${SCRIPTS}
+ rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/${SCRIPTS}
+ rm -f ${DIST}.tar.gz
+.PHONY: all clean dist install uninstall
diff --git a/README b/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# make install
diff --git a/ausplit b/ausplit
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# ffmpeg and my `tag` script required.
+ test ${#} -ne 2 && usage
+ auin="${1}"
+ local tfile="${2}"
+ total="$(wc -l < "${tfile}")"
+ # The extension must exist in `tag`.
+ ext="${1#*.}"
+ xread "Album/book title: " album
+ xread "Artist/author: " author
+ xread "Publication year: " year
+ namefmt="$(fmt_name "${album}")"
+ mkdir -p "${namefmt}" || exit 1
+ while read -r line; do
+ end="$(echo "${line}" | cut -d' ' -f1)"
+ test -n "${start}" && split_file
+ title="$(echo "${line}" | cut -d' ' -f 2-)"
+ titlefmt="$(fmt_name "${title}")"
+ track="$((track+1))"
+ start="${end}"
+ done < "${tfile}"
+ # The last track must be done outside the loop.
+ split_file
+ echo "usage: ${0##*/} audio timecode_file" 1>&2 && exit 1
+ printf "%s" "${1}" && read -r ${2}
+ echo "${1}" | iconv -cf UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT |
+ tr -d '[:punct:]' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr ' ' '-' |
+ sed "s/-\+/-/g;s/\(^-\|-\$\)//g"
+ echo "From ${start} to ${end}; ${track} ${title}"
+ echo "Splitting \"${title}\"..."
+ ofile="${namefmt}/$(printf "%.2d" "${track}")-${titlefmt}.${ext}"
+ ffmpeg \
+ -nostdin -y -loglevel -8 \
+ -i "${auin}" \
+ -ss "${start}" \
+ `test ${track} -eq ${total} || echo "-to ${end}"` \
+ -vn -c copy \
+ "${ofile}" &&
+ echo "Tagging \"${title}\"..." &&
+ tag \
+ -a "${author}" \
+ -A "${album}" \
+ -t "${title}" \
+ -n "${track}" \
+ -N "${total}" \
+ -d "${year}" \
+ "${ofile}"
+main "${@}"
diff --git a/autocomp b/autocomp
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+pkill -f "entr -n doccomp"
+echo "${1}" | entr -n doccomp "${1}"
diff --git a/batnfy b/batnfy
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+export DISPLAY=":0.0" # cron cannot open the display without this.
+perc=$(sysctl -n
+charg=$(sysctl -n hw.acpi.battery.state)
+if [ ${perc} -le 10 ] && [ ${charg} -ne 2 ]; then
+ echo "Low battery" | nfy
+elif [ ${perc} -ge 99 ] && [ ${charg} -eq 2 ]; then
+ echo "Battery fully charged" | nfy
diff --git a/doccomp b/doccomp
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ echo "usage: ${0##*/} file" 1>&2 && exit 1
+ test ! -f "${file}" && echo "${0##*/}: ${file}: file not found" 1>&2 && exit 1
+test ${#} -eq 0 && usage
+file="$(readlink -f "${1}")"
+cd "${dir}" || exit 1
+case "${ext}" in
+ md) pandoc ${file} --pdf-engine=xelatex -V mainfont=Arial -o "${base}.pdf" ;;
+ tex) pdflatex ${file} && rm -f *.aux *.log *.out *.bcf *.run.xml *.bbl *.blg *-blx.bib ;;
diff --git a/docprev b/docprev
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ echo "usage: ${0##*/} file" 1>&2 && exit 1
+test ${#} -eq 0 && usage
+case "${1}" in
+ *.html) setsid -f "${BROWSER}" "${base}.html" ;;
+ *.tex) setsid -f xdg-open "${base}.pdf" ;;
diff --git a/extr b/extr
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ echo "usage: ${0##*/} [-d dir] file" 1>&2 && exit 1
+while getopts d: arg; do
+case "${arg}" in
+ d) dir="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ *) usage ;;
+shift "$(expr ${OPTIND} - 1)"
+archive="$(readlink -f ${1})"
+test -z "${archive}" && usage
+test -n "${dir}" && mkdir -p "${dir}" && cd "${dir}"
+case "${archive}" in
+ *.tar.bz2|*.tbz2) tar xvjf "${archive}" ;;
+ *.tar.xz) tar -xf "${archive}" ;;
+ *.tar.gz|*.tgz) tar xvzf "${archive}" ;;
+ *.lzma) unlzma "${archive}" ;;
+ *.bz2) bunzip2 "${archive}" ;;
+ *.rar) unrar x -ad "${archive}" ;;
+ *.gz) gunzip "${archive}" ;;
+ *.tar) tar xvf "${archive}" ;;
+ *.zip) unzip "${archive}" ;;
+ *.Z) uncompress "${archive}" ;;
+ *.7z) 7z x "${archive}" ;;
+ *.xz) unxz "${archive}" ;;
+ *) echo "i don't know how to extract this" 1>&2 ;;
diff --git a/fontupd b/fontupd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+mkdir -p ${dir}
+chmod 755 ${dir}
+cd ${dir}
+chmod 644 *
+xset fp+ ${dir}
+xset fp rehash
diff --git a/irssi_torconf b/irssi_torconf
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+echo "mapaddress libera75jm6of4wxpxt4aynol3xjmbtxgfyjpu34ss4d7r7q2v5zrpyd.onion" >> /usr/local/etc/tor/torrc
+service tor restart
+mkdir -p ~/.irssi/certs && cd ~/.irssi/certs
+openssl req -x509 -sha256 -new -newkey rsa:4096 -days 1000 -nodes -out libera.crt -keyout libera.key
+cat libera.crt libera.key > ~/.irssi/certs/libera.pem
+chmod 600 libera.pem
+rm libera.key libera.crt
+printf "/msg NickServ CERT ADD "
+openssl x509 -in ~/.irssi/certs/libera.pem -outform der | sha1 | cut -d' ' -f1
+echo "/network add -sasl_username cmrg -sasl_password cmrgsasl -sasl_mechanism EXTERNAL LiberaTor"
+echo "/server add -ssl -ssl_cert ~/.irssi/certs/libera.pem -net LiberaTor 6697"
+echo "/ignore * CTCPS"
+echo "/save"
+echo "/quit"
diff --git a/namefmt b/namefmt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# FIXME: give path/s from command line
+for file in $(find .); do
+ mv ${file} $(echo ${file} | tr '-' '_')
diff --git a/newsboat_bookmark b/newsboat_bookmark
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+printf "%s\t%s\n" "$1" "$2" | expand -t8 >> "${HOME}/shit/playlist"
diff --git a/passget b/passget
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+pass "$(pass | sed 1d | awk '{print $2}' | dmenu -l 30)" |
+xargs echo -n | xclip -sel clip
diff --git a/push b/push
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+branch=$(git branch --show-current)
+for remote in $(git remote); do
+ git push ${remote} ${branch}
diff --git a/rssread b/rssread
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+sfeed_curses ${HOME}/.sfeed/feeds/*
diff --git a/screencast b/screencast
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ffmpeg -y \
+ -f x11grab \
+ -s $(xrandr | grep "connected primary" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/+0+0//') \
+ -i :0.0 \
+ -c:v libx264 -r 30 -c:a mp3 ${1}
+ #-f oss -i default \
diff --git a/se b/se
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+du -a /home/christos/src/scripts | awk '{print $2}' | fzf | xargs -r ${EDITOR}
diff --git a/setscreens b/setscreens
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+xrandr \
+ --output DVI-I-0 \
+ --mode 1280x1024 \
+ --pos 1920x56 \
+ --rotate normal \
+ --output HDMI-0 \
+ --off \
+ --output DVI-D-0 \
+ --primary \
+ --mode 1920x1080 \
+ --pos 0x0 \
+ --rotate normal
diff --git a/sysact b/sysact
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+lock slock
+leave_dwm kill -TERM $(pidof -s dwm)
+renew_dwm kill -HUP $(pidof -s dwm)
+reboot ${reb:-doas reboot}
+shutdown ${shut:-doas shutdown -p now}"
+choice="$(echo "${cmds}" | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | dmenu)" || exit 1
+`echo "${cmds}" | grep "^${choice}" | cut -d ' ' -f2-`
diff --git a/tag b/tag
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ echo "usage: ${0##*/} [-a artist] [-A album_title] [-c comment]" 1>&2
+ echo " [-d year] [-g genre] [-n trackno] [-N totalno]" 1>&2
+ echo " [-t song_title] file" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ printf "%s" "${1}" && read -r ${2}
+while getopts "a:t:A:n:N:d:g:c:f:" arg; do
+case "${arg}" in
+ a) artist="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ t) title="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ A) album="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ n) track="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ N) total="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ d) date="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ g) genre="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ c) comment="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ f) file="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ *) usage ;;
+shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+test ! -f "${file}" && echo "${0##*/}: file not found" && usage
+test -z "${title}" && xread "Title: " title
+test -z "${artist}" && xread "Artist: " artist
+test -z "${album}" && xread "Album: " album
+test -z "${track}" && xread "Track number: " track
+echo "${info}"
+case "${file}" in
+ *.ogg) echo "${info}" | vorbiscomment -w "${file}" ;;
+ *.opus) echo "${info}" | opustags -i -S "${file}" ;;
+ *.mp3) eyeD3 -Q --remove-all \
+ -a "${artist}" \
+ -A "${album}" \
+ -t "${title}" \
+ -n "${track}" \
+ -N "${total}" \
+ -Y "${date}" \
+ "${file}" ;;
+ *) echo "${0##*/}: file type not implemented yet" ;;
diff --git a/unix b/unix
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#original artwork by
+#converted to shell by #nixers @
+cat << 'eof'
+ [38;5;255m,_ ,_==▄▂[0m
+ [38;5;255m, ▂▃▄▄▅▅[48;5;240m▅[48;5;20m▂[48;5;240m▅¾[0m. [38;5;199m/ [38;5;20m/[0m
+ [38;5;255m[48;5;20m▄[0m[38;5;255m[48;5;199m▆[38;5;16m[48;5;255m<´ [38;5;32m"[38;5;34m»[38;5;255m▓▓[48;5;32m▓[48;5;240m%[0m\ [38;5;199m/ [38;5;20m/ [38;5;45m/ [38;5;118m/[0m
+ [38;5;255m,[38;5;255m[48;5;240m▅[38;5;16m[48;5;255m7" [38;5;160m´[38;5;34m>[38;5;255m[48;5;39m▓▓[38;5;199m[48;5;255m▓[0m[38;5;255m% [38;5;20m/ [38;5;118m/ [38;5;199m> [38;5;118m/ [38;5;199m>[38;5;255m/[38;5;45m%[0m
+ [38;5;255m▐[48;5;240m[38;5;255m¶[48;5;240m[38;5;255m▓[48;5;255m [38;5;196m,[38;5;34m»[48;5;201m[38;5;255m▓▓[0m[38;5;255m¾´[0m [38;5;199m/[38;5;255m> %[38;5;199m/[38;5;118m%[38;5;255m/[38;5;199m/ [38;5;45m/ [38;5;199m/[0m
+ [38;5;255m[48;5;240m▓[48;5;255m[38;5;16m▃[48;5;16m[38;5;255m▅▅[38;5;16m[48;5;255m▅▃,,[38;5;32m▄[38;5;16m▅[38;5;255m[48;5;16m▅▅[38;5;255m[48;5;20mÆ[0m[38;5;255m\[0m[38;5;20m/[38;5;118m/[38;5;255m /[38;5;118m/[38;5;199m/[38;5;255m>[38;5;45m// [38;5;255m/[38;5;118m>[38;5;199m/ [38;5;20m/[0m
+ [48;5;20m[38;5;255mV[48;5;255m[38;5;16m║[48;5;20m[38;5;255m«[0m[38;5;255m¼.;[48;5;240m[38;5;255m→[48;5;255m[38;5;16m ║[0m[38;5;255m<«.,[48;5;25m[38;5;255m`[48;5;240m=[0m[38;5;20m/[38;5;199m/ [38;5;255m/>[38;5;45m/[38;5;118m/[38;5;255m%/[38;5;199m% / [38;5;20m/[0m
+ [38;5;20m//[48;5;255m[38;5;16m╠<´ -²,)[48;5;16m[38;5;255m(▓[48;5;255m[38;5;16m~"-[38;5;199m╝/[0m[38;5;255m¾[0m[38;5;199m/ [38;5;118m%[38;5;255m/[38;5;118m>[38;5;45m/ [38;5;118m/[38;5;199m>[0m
+ [38;5;20m/ / [38;5;118m/ [48;5;20m[38;5;255m▐[48;5;240m[38;5;16m%[48;5;255m -./▄▃▄[48;5;16m[38;5;255m▅[48;5;255m[38;5;16m▐[48;5;255m[38;5;16m, [38;5;199m/[48;5;199m[38;5;255m7[0m[38;5;20m/[38;5;199m/[38;5;255m;/[38;5;199m/[38;5;118m% [38;5;20m/ /[0m
+ [38;5;20m/ [38;5;199m/[38;5;255m/[38;5;45m/[38;5;118m/[38;5;255m[48;5;240m`[48;5;20m[38;5;255m▌[48;5;20m[38;5;255m▐[48;5;255m[38;5;16m %z[0m[38;5;255mWv xX[48;5;20m[38;5;255m▓[48;5;34m[38;5;255m▇[48;5;199m[38;255m▌[0m[38;5;20m/[38;5;199m/[38;5;255m&;[38;5;20m% [38;5;199m/ [38;5;20m/[0m
+ [38;5;20m/ / [38;5;255m/ [38;5;118m%[38;5;199m/[38;5;255m/%/[48;5;240m[38;5;255m¾[48;5;255m[38;5;16m½´[38;5;255m[48;5;16m▌[0m[38;5;246m▃▄[38;5;255m▄▄[38;5;246m▄▃▃[0m[48;5;16m[38;5;255m▐[38;5;255m[48;5;199m¶[48;5;20m[38;5;255m\[0m[38;5;20m/[0m[48;5;255m[38;5;240m&[0m [38;5;20m/[0m
+ [38;5;199m<[38;5;118m/ [38;5;45m/[38;5;255m</[38;5;118m%[38;5;255m/[38;5;45m/[38;5;255m`[48;5;16m▓[48;5;255m[38;5;16m![48;5;240m[38;5;255m%[48;5;16m[38;5;255m▓[0m[38;5;255m%[48;5;240m[38;5;255m╣[48;5;240m[38;5;255;╣[0m[38;5;255mW[0m[38;5;250mY<Y)[48;5;255m[38;5;16my&[0m[38;5;255m/`[48;5;240m\[0m
+ [38;5;20m/ [38;5;199m/ [38;5;199m%[38;5;255m/%[38;5;118m/[38;5;45m/[38;5;255m<[38;5;118m/[38;5;199m%[38;5;45m/[38;5;20m/[48;5;240m[38;5;255m\[38;5;16m[48;5;255mi7; ╠N[0m[38;5;246m>[38;5;255m)VY>[48;5;240m[38;5;255m7[0m[38;5;255m; [38;5;255m[48;5;240m\[0m[38;5;255m_[0m [38;5;255mUNIX IS VERY SIMPLE [38;5;45mIT JUST NEEDS A[0m
+ [38;5;20m/ [38;5;255m/[38;5;118m<[38;5;255m/ [38;5;45m/[38;5;255m/<[38;5;199m/[38;5;20m/[38;5;199m/[38;5;20m<[38;5;255m_/%\[38;5;255m[48;5;16m▓[48;5;255m[38;5;16m V[0m[38;5;255m%[48;5;255m[38;5;16mW[0m[38;5;255m%£)XY[0m [38;5;240m_/%[38;5;255m‾\_,[0m [38;5;45mGENIUS TO UNDERSTAND ITS SIMPLICITY[38;5;255m[0m
+ [38;5;199m/ [38;5;255m/ [38;5;199m/[38;5;255m/[38;5;118m%[38;5;199m/[48;5;240m[38;5;255m_,=-[48;5;20m-^[0m[38;5;255m/%/%%[48;5;255m[38;5;16m\¾%[0m[38;5;255m¶[0m[48;5;255m[38;5;16m%[0m[38;5;255m%}[0m [38;5;240m/%%%[38;5;20m%%[38;5;240m%;\,[0m
+ [38;5;45m%[38;5;20m/[38;5;199m< [38;5;20m/[48;5;20m[38;5;255m_/[48;5;240m [0m[38;5;255m%%%[38;5;240m%%[38;5;20m;[38;5;255mX[38;5;240m%[38;5;20m%[38;5;255m\%[38;5;240m%;, _/%%%;[38;5;20m,[38;5;240m \[0m
+ [38;5;118m/ [38;5;20m/ [38;5;240m%[38;5;20m%%%%[38;5;240m%;, [38;5;255m\[38;5;240m%[38;5;20m%[38;5;255ml[38;5;240m%%;// _/[38;5;20m%;,[0m [38;5;234mdmr[0m
+ [38;5;20m/ [38;5;240m%[38;5;20m%%;,[0m [38;5;255m<[38;5;20m;[38;5;240m\-=-/ /[0m
+ [38;5;20m;,[0m [38;5;240ml[0m
diff --git a/upd b/upd
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# FIXME: trim random symbols
+case $1 in
+ www) src="${HOME}/src/"
+ dst=""
+ ;;
+ ftp) src="${2}"
+ dst="${3}"
+ ;;
+ vps) src="${2}"
+ dst="${3}"
+ ;;
+ lap) src="${2}"
+ dst="tpad:${3}"
+ ;;
+ desk) src="${2}"
+ dst="pleb:${3}"
+ ;;
+ old) src="${2}"
+ dst="old:${3}"
+ ;;
+ foo) src="${2}"
+ dst="foo:${3}"
+ ;;
+ # add disk, storage, all
+ *) echo "usage: ${0##*/} {www | ftp | vps | lap | desk | old | foo} src dst" 1>&2 && exit 1 ;;
+test -z "${src}" && echo "${0##*/}: src is empty" 1>&2 && exit 1
+test -z "${dst}" && echo "${0##*/}: dest is empty" 1>&2 && exit 1
+# add directory error check
+read -erp "${0##*/}: transfer '${src}' to '${dst}' (y/N)? " act
+test "${act}" = "y" && rsync -Purv --delete-after "${src}" "${dst}"
diff --git a/vdq b/vdq
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+while getopts a:dfv arg; do
+case "${arg}" in
+ a) echo "${OPTARG}" >> ${QUEUE}
+ exit 0 ;;
+ d) rm ${QUEUE}
+ exit 0 ;;
+ f) echo ${QUEUE}
+ exit 0 ;;
+ v) cat ${QUEUE} | dmenu -l 30
+ exit 0 ;;
+ *) echo "usage: ${0##*/} [-dfv] [-a url]" 1>&2
+ exit 1 ;;
+cat ${QUEUE} | awk '{print $1}' | xargs mpv
diff --git a/vds b/vds
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+QUEUE="$(vdq -f)"
+while getopts p:q arg; do
+case "${arg}" in
+ p) PLAYLIST="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ q) vdq -a "$(cat ${PLAYLIST} | dmenu -l 30)"
+ exit 0 ;;
+ *) echo "usage: ${0##*/} [-q] [-p playlist]" 1>&2
+ exit 1 ;;
+cat ${PLAYLIST} | dmenu -l 30 | awk '{print $1}' | xargs mpv
diff --git a/vmstart b/vmstart
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ echo "usage: ${0##*/} [-u] [-c cpu] [-C com] [-d disk] [-i img] [-m mem] [-t tap] name" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+# TODO: opt: disname, lpc, xhci
+while getopts c:C:d:i:m:t:u arg; do
+case "${arg}" in
+ c) cpu="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ C) com="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ d) disksiz="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ i) img="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ m) mem="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ t) tap="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ u) uefi="-l bootrom,/usr/local/share/uefi-firmware/BHYVE_UEFI.fd" ;;
+ *) usage ;;
+shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+test -z "${name}" && usage
+test -n "${disksiz}" && truncate -s "${disksiz}" ${disk}
+ifconfig "${tap}" up
+bhyve -c ${cpu} -m ${mem} -wH \
+ -s 0,hostbridge \
+ `test -n "${img}" && echo "-s 3,ahci-cd,${img}"` \
+ -s 4,ahci-hd,${disk} \
+ -s 5,virtio-net,${tap} \
+ -s 29,fbuf,tcp=,w=800,h=600,wait \
+ -s 30,xhci,tablet \
+ -s 31,lpc \
+ `test -n "${com}" && echo "-l com1,${com}"` \
+ `test -n "${uefi}" && echo ${uefi}` \
+ ${name}
diff --git a/vmstop b/vmstop
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ echo "usage: ${0##*/} [-t tap] name" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+while getopts t: arg; do
+case "${arg}" in
+ t) tap="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ *) usage ;;
+shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+test -z "${name}" && usage
+ifconfig ${tap} down
+bhyvectl --force-poweroff --vm=${name}
+bhyvectl --destroy --vm=${name}
diff --git a/walset b/walset
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+test -f "${1}" && ln -sf "$(readlink -f "${1}")" "${bgloc}" &&
+echo "Changing wallpaper to ${bgloc}" | nfy
+xwallpaper --zoom "$(readlink -f "${bgloc}")" >/dev/null
diff --git a/wttr b/wttr
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+curl | less -R